
Self and Collective Efficacy in Letters Written to a Radio Soap Opera on Gender Equality and Family Planning in India. International Conference on Population and Development + 5 years —- Sweety Law and Arvind Singhal (1998) —-

A Community Case Study of the Effects of a Radio Soap Opera on Gender Equality, Family Size, and Individual/Collective Efficacy in India. International Conference on Population and Development + 5 years —- Arvind Singhal and Everett M. Rogers (1998) —-

Effects of Tinka Tinka Sukh, A radio Soap Opera in India, on Gender Equality, Women’s Rights, and Family Planning. International Conference on Population and Development + 5 years —- Arvind Singhal, Suruchi Sood, Everett M. Rogers, Sweety Law and Peter W. Vaughan (1998) —-

Audience Interpretations of “Baixing”, an Entertainment-Education Television Serial in China. New York: Population Communications International —- Arvind Singhal, Li Ren, and Jianying Zhang (1999) —-

Communication for Behavior and Social Change: HIV/AIDS Programme Experiences, Examples, and the Way Forward. Geneva, Switzerland: UNAIDS —- Arvind Singhal (2001) —-

Facilitating Community Participation through Communication. New York, NY: UNICEF —- Arvind Singhal (2002) —-

Audience Interpretations of Health-Related Content in Two American Television Programs Broadcast in India. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention —- Everett M. Rogers, Arvind Singhal, P.N. Vasanti, Avinash Thombre, Ketan Citnis, Ami Sengupta, Sanjeev Kumar, and Adite Chatterjee (2003) —-

Effects of Taru, a Radio Soap Opera, on Audiences in India: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis. New York: Population Communications International —- Arvind Singhal, Kim Witte, Nithya Muthuswamy, Desiree Duff, P.N. Vasanti, Michael J. Papa, Lynn M. Harter, Devendra Sharma, Saumya Pant, Akhilesh Kumar Sharma, Tracy Worrell, Mumtaz Ahmed, Alok Shrivastav, Chetna Verma, Yogita Sharma, Nagesh Rao, Ketan Chitnis, and Ami Sengupta (2004) —-

A Participatory Assessment of Sa Pagsikat Ng Araw, an Entertainment-Education Radio Soap Opera in the Philippines. Burlington, VT: Population Media Center —- Arvind Singhal, Elizabeth Rattine-Flaherty, & Molly Mayer (2005) —-

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