
Taru Comes to Abirpur —- 10’ 33” —-

This short film details the effects of listening to Taru, an entertainment-education radio soap opera, in Village Abirpur of India’s Bihar State, including the starting of a village school for underprivileged children, empowerment of young girls who now wish to delay marriage, finish their education, and work hand-in-hand with their male counterparts to bring about positive changes in their community.

The Coverage of Indira Gandhi’s Assassination in the Third World and Western Mass Media. MA Thesis, Bowling Green State University (Srinivas Melkote, Advisor) —- Arvind Singhal (1985) —-

Pro-social Learning from Soap Opera Models in India. Ph.D. Pre-Dissertation Thesis, University of Southern California (Everett M. Rogers, Advisor) —- Arvind Singhal (1988) —-

Entertainment-Educational Communication Strategies for Development Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Southern California (Everett M. Rogers, Advisor), DAI-A 51/07, p. 2190, Dissertation Abstracts International —- Arvind Singhal (1990) —-

Effects of “Hum Log”, a Television Soap Opera, on Women’s Status and Fertility in India. New York: The Rockefeller Foundation —- Everett M. Rogers and Arvind Singhal (1989) —-

An Inventory-Analysis of Microcomputer Applications in Agricultural Extension, Education, and Training. Rome: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations —- Everett M. Rogers, Thierry Bardini, and Arvind Singhal (1992) —-

Expansion and Consolidation of the Cooperative Development Program in India. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations —- Everett M. Rogers and Arvind Singhal (1992) —-

Information Campaigns and Innovation Diffusion Techniques For Improving the Efficiency of Primary School Education in Lesotho. Lesotho: U.S. Agency for International Development —- Arvind Singhal and W. Stephen Howard (1992) —-

Expansion, Consolidation, and Sustainability of Cooperative Development in India Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations —- Everett M. Rogers and Arvind Singhal (1993) —-

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