Category: Journal Articles

Diffusion of Innovations Theory and Effective Targeting of HIV/AIDS Programs in Thailand, Asian Journal of Communication, 8(1): 1-30 —- Peer J. Svenkerud, Arvind Singhal, and Michael J. Papa (1998) —-

Glocalizing Media Products: Investigating the Cultural Shareability of the „Karate Kids‟ Entertainment-Education Film in Thailand. Media Asia, 25(3): 170-175 —- Parichart Sthapitanonda Sarabol and Arvind Singhal (1998) —-

Oshin as a Role Model for Diffusing Prosocial Values in Thailand. Keio Communication Review, 21, 3-18 —- Kant Udornpim and Arvind Singhal (1999) —-

Social Uses of Commercial Soap Operas: A Conversation with Miguel Sabido. Journal of Development Communication, 10(1): 68-77 —- Arvind Singhal and Rafael Obregon (1999) —-

The Gods are Drinking Milk! Word-of-Mouth Diffusion of a Major News Event in India. Asian Journal of Communication, 9(1): 86-107 —- Arvind Singhal, Everett M. Rogers, and Meenkashi Sood (1999) —-

Efficacy in Letter-Writing to an Entertainment-Education Radio Serial. Gazette, 61(5): 355-372 —- Sweety Law and Arvind Singhal (1999) —-

Entertainment-Education and HIV/AIDS Prevention: A Field Experiment in Tanzania. Journal of Health Communication. 5: 81-100 —- Peter W. Vaughan, Everett M. Rogers, Arvind Singhal, & Ramadhan M. Swalehe (2000) —-…%20%2012.12.0.pdf

Organizing for Social Change Through Cooperative Action: The [Dis]Empowering Dimensions of Women’s Communication. Communication Theory, 10(1): 90-123 —- Michael J. Papa, Arvind Singhal, D.V. Ghanekar, and Wendy H. Papa (2000) —-

How Yugong Moved the Mountains: The Rise and Decline of Mass Mobilization Campaigns in China. Journal of Development Communication, 11(2): 16-34. 15 —- Li Ren and Arvind Singhal (2000) —-…%20%20%2012.12.06.pdf

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