Category: Book Chapters

Diffusing the Soul of the North. In Soelberg, F., Browning, L., & Sones, Jan O. (Ed.). In Soelberg, F., Browning, L., & Sones, Jan O. (Ed.). The High North in a Time of Transition. Gutsy Narratives and Wild Observations (pp. 67-76). London: Routledge —- Peer J. Svenkerud and Arvind Singhal (2019) —-

A second order observation of organisational deviance. In A. Fried (Ed.). Organizational Deviance in a World of Standards (pp. 21-38). London, UK: Oxford University Press —- Andrea Fried & Arvind Singhal (2020) —-

Mahatma Gandhi: A Life So Keenly Observed. Gandhian Thought and Communication: Rethinking the Mahatma in the Media Age (pp. ix-xi). Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications —- Singhal, Arvind (2020) —-

Theorizing Entertainment-Education: A Complementary Perspective to the Development of Entertainment Theory. In P. Vorderer and C. Klimmt (Eds) (819-838). Oxford Handbook of Entertainment Theory. Oxford, UK.: Oxford University Press —- Hua Wang & Arvind Singhal (2021) —-

Mind the Gap! Confronting the Challenges of Translational Communication Research in Entertainment-Education. A chapter in Frank, L. and Falzone, P. (eds) (2021). Entertainment education behind the scenes: Case studies for theory and practice.London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan —- Hua Wang & Arvind Singhal (2021) —-

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