Category: Book Chapters

Using the Positive Deviance approach to reduce MRSA at the Veterans Administration Healthcare System in Pittsburgh. In A. Suchman, D. Sluyter & P. Williamson (Eds.). Leading Change in Healthcare: Transforming Organizations Using Complexity, Positive Psychology, and Relationship Centered-Care (pp. 177-209). New York: Radcliffe Publishing —- Arvind Singhal and Karen Greiner (2011) —-

Juanita Publicly asks “What will you do for me, Mayoral Candidate”: Children, Media, and Health Advocacy in Colombia. In Cecilia von Felitzen, Ulla Carlsson, & Catharina Bucht (Eds.) (2011). New Questions, New Insights, New Approaches on Media for Children & Youth (pp. 145-154). Yearbook 2011. Gothenburg, Sweden: NORDICOM —- Arvind Singhal (2011) —-

Transforming education from the inside-out: Positive Deviance to enhance learning and student retention. A chapter in Roger Hiemstra and Philippe Carré (Eds.) A Feast of Learning: International Perspectives on Adult Learning and Change (pp. 141-159). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing —- Arvind Singhal (2013) —-

Deconstructing and Reconstructing Cultural Representations to Strengthen HIV/AIDS Interventions in Africa. In Gustavo Subero (Ed.)HIV in World Cultures: Three Decades of Representations. (pp. 155-164). Surrey, England: Ashgate Publishing —- Arvind Singhal (2013) —-

Creating More Substance, Connections, and Ideas in the Classroom. In H. Lipmanowicz and K. McCandless, The Surprising Power of Liberating Structures: Simple Rules to Unleash a Culture of Innovation (pp. 138-144). Seattle, WA: Liberating Structures Press —- Arvind Singhal (2013) —-

Cultural Beacons in Health Communication: Leveraging Overlooked Indicators and Grassroots Wisdoms. In D. Kim, A. Singhal, & G. Kreps (Eds.)Health Communication: Strategies for Developing Global Health Programs (pp. 334-351). New York: Peter Lang —- Laurel Felt, Lucia Dura, & Arvind Singhal (2014) —-

The Positive Deviance Approach to Designing and Implementing Health Communication Interventions. In D. Kim, A. Singhal, & G. Kreps (Eds.)Health Communication: Strategies for Developing Global Health Programs (pp. 174-189). New York: Peter Lang —- Arvind Singhal (2014) —-

Digital Games: The SECRET of Alternative Health Realities. In D. Kim, A. Singhal, & G. Kreps (Eds.) Health Communication: Strategies for Developing Global Health Programs (pp. 67-79). New York: Peter Lang —- Hua Wang & Arvind Singhal (2014) —-

Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Health Communication Strategies for Global Health Promotion. In D. Kim, A. Singhal, & G. Kreps (Eds.)Health Communication: Strategies for Developing Global Health Programs (pp. 1-9). New York: Peter Lang —- Do Kyun Kim, Arvind Singhal, & Gary Kreps (2014) —-

Liberating Structures: Engaging Everyone to Build a Good Life Together. A chapter in H. Wang (Ed.) Communication and “the good life.” (ICA Theme Book Series, Volume 2, pp. 233-246). New York: Peter Lang —- Henri Lipmanowicz, Arvind Singhal, Keith McCandless, & Hua Wang (2015) —-

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