Category: Book Chapters

Entertainment-eduction and health promotion: A Cross-Continental Journey. In A. Singhal and J.W. Dearing, Communication of innovations: A Journey with Ev Rogers (pp. 199-229). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage —- Arvind Singhal, Kimani Njogu, Martine Bouman, and Eliana Elias (2006) —-

Studying Entertainment-Education Effects: Going Beyond the Usual. In K. Barker and M. Sabido (Eds.), Best Practices on Promoting Gender Equality through Media Programs. Burlington, Vermont, Population Media Center —- Arvind Singhal (in press) —-

Assertiveness as Communication Competence: A Comparison of the Communication Styles of American and Japanese Students. In Hinner, M.B. (Ed.), The Influence of Culture in the World of Business Volume 4 (pp. 229-248). Freiberger Beitraege zur Interkulturellen und Wirtschaftskommunikation (A Forum for General and Intercultural Business Communication). Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH. Published previously in the Asian Journal of Communication (2002)). Republished with permission —- Arvind Singhal and Motoko Nagao (2007) —-

Is the Chinese Self-Construal in Transition? In Hinner, M.B. (Ed.), The Influence of Culture in the World of Business Volume 4 (pp. 453-484). Freiberger Beitraege zur Interkulturellen und Wirtschaftskommunikation (A Forum for General and Intercultural Business Communication). Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH. Published previously in the Asian Journal of Communication (2001). Republished with permission —- Nagesh Rao, Arvind Singhal, Li Ren, and Jianying Zhang (2007) —-

Catalyzing Social Reform Through Participatory Folk Performances in Rural India. A chapter in Larry Frey and Kevin Carragee (Eds.) Communication and Social Activism. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press —- Lynn M. Harter, Devendra Sharma, Saumya Pant, Arvind Singhal, and Yogita Sharma (2007) —-

Diffusion of Innovations. In Don W. Stacks and Michael Salwen (eds.), An Integrated Approach to Communication Theory and Research. Second Edition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates —- Everett M. Rogers, Arvind Singhal, and Margaret M. Quinlan (2009) —-

Entertainment-Education through Digital Games. In Ute Ritterfeld, Michael J. Cody, & Peter Vorderer (Eds.) Serious Games: Mechanisms and Effects. New York: Routledge —- Hua Wang and Arvind Singhal (in press) —-

Listener as Producer: Minga Peru’s Intercultural Radio Educative Project in the Peruvian Amazon. In Michael B. Hinner (Ed.) (2010), Interface of Business and Culture (pp. 481-502). Berlin, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH —- Lucia Dura, Arvind Singhal and Eliana Elias (2010) —-

Can Communication Be Socially Responsible and Commercially Viable? An Assessment of Sa Paqsikat Nq Araw, an Entertainment-Education Radio Series in the Philippines. In Michael B. Hinner (Ed.) (2010), Interrelationships of Business and Communication (pp. 329-347). Berlin, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH —- Arvind Singhal, Elizabeth Rattine-Flaherty and Molly A. Mayer (2010) —-

Turning Diffusion of Innovations Paradigm on its Head. A chapter in Arun Vishwanath and George Barnett (Eds.). The diffusion of innovations: A Communication Science Perspective (pp. 192-205). New York: Peter Lang Publishers —- Arvind Singhal (2011) —-

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