Category: Book Chapters

Communication Strategies for Confronting AIDS: Empowering the Children of Africa. In Arvind Singhal and W. Stephen Howard (Eds.) The Children of Africa Confront AIDS: From Vulnerability to Possibility (pp. 230-246). Athens, OH: Ohio University Press —- Arvind Singhal (2003) —-

Air Cover and Ground Mobilization: Integrating Entertainment-Education Broadcasts with Community Listening and Service Delivery in India. In A. Singhal, M. J. Cody, E. M. Rogers, & M. Sabido (eds.), Entertainment-Education and Social Change: History, Research, and Practices (pp. 351-376). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates —- Arvind Singhal, Devendra Sharma, Michael J. Papa, and Kim Witte (2004) —-

Entertainment-Education Through Participatory Theater: Freirean Strategies for Empowering the Oppressed. In A. Singhal, M. J. Cody, E.M. Rogers, & M. Sabido (eds.), Entertainment-Education and Social Change: History, Research, and Practice (pp. 377-398). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates —- Arvind Singhal, A. (2004) —-

No short Cuts in Entertainment-Education: Designing Soul City Step-by-Step. In A. Singhal, M. J. Cody, E.M. Rogers, & M. Sabido (eds.), Entertainment-Education and Social Change: History, Research, and Practice (pp. 153-176). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates —- Shereen Usdin, Arvind Singhal, Thuli Shongwe, Sue Goldstein, and Agnes Shabalala (2004) —-

The Status of Entertainment-Education Worldwide. In A. Singhal, M. J. Cody, E.M. Rogers, & M. Sabido (eds.), Entertainment-Education and Social Change: History, Research, and Practice (pp. 3-20). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates —- Arvind Singhal and Everett M. Rogers (2004) —-

Llevar Puesto un Pendelus, Cacerolazos, y Corchos que Flotan: (De)Construyendo la Cultura y el Genero Papa Promover Comunidades Saludables? In E.E. Valdeavellano and E.N. Riquelme (eds.), Salud Reproductiva en la Amazonia: Perspectivas desde la Cultura, el Genero y la Communicacion (pp. 47 to 55). Iquitos, Peru: Minga Peru —- Arvind Singhal (2004) —-

Cross-Border Mass-Mediated Health Narratives: Narrative Transparency, “Safe Sex”, and Indian Viewers. In L.M. Harter, P.M. Japp, and C.S. Beck (eds), Co-constructing Our Health: The Implications of Narratives for Enacting Illness and Wellness. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates —- Arvind Singhal, Ketan Chitnis, and Ami Sengupta (2005) —-

Bridging Digital Divides: Lessons Learned from the Information Technology Initiatives of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. In O. Hemer and T. Tufte (eds.), Media, Communication and Social Change: Rethinking Communication for Development. Copenhagen, Denmark: Nordicom —- Arvind Singhal, Peer J. Svenkerud, Prashant Malaviya, Everett M. Rogers, and Vijay Krishna (2005) —-

Communication of Innovations: A Journey with Ev Rogers. In A. Singhal and J.W. Dearing, Communication of innovations: A journey with Ev Rogers (pp. 15-28). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage —- James W. Dearing and Arvind Singhal (2006) —-

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