Month: June 2021

In Search of Values in the Media: Can Commercial and Social Interests Be Balanced? Indian Theosophist, 94(6-7): 168-169 —- Arvind Singhal (1996) —-

Everett Rogers, a ground-breaking communication scholar, researcher, teacher and practitioner, Mazi 2. February Issue. Communication for Social Change Consortium —- Arvind Singhal and Rafael Obregón (2005) —-

Dissemination vs. Dialogue: A False Dichotomy. Mazi 5. December Issue. Communication for Social Change Consortium —- Arvind Singhal (2005) —-

Transforming Traditional Gender Structures: Giving Women Access to Information Technology. Mazi 11. May Issue. Communication for Social Change Consortium —- Ami Sengupta, Esther Long, Arvind Singhal and Corrine L. Shefner-Rogers (2007) —-

When the Task is Accomplished, Can We Say We Did It Ourselves?’ A Quest to Eliminate MRSA at the Veterans Health Administration’s Hospitals in Pittsburgh. Mazi 12. August Issue. Communication for Social Change Consortium —- Arvind Singhal and Karen Greiner (2007) —- .

A challenge to behavior change scholars and practitioners: Change your way of thinking. The Pop Reporter, Guest Editorial Volume 8, Number 9 —- Arvind Singhal (2008) —-

Gandhi’s yardstick for communicative action: Putting the last first. Mazi 15. May Issue. Communication for Social Change Consortium —- Arvind Singhal (2008) —- .

Inviting—Not Requiring—Social Change Mazi 20. January Issue. Communication for Social Change Consortium —- Karen Greiner and Arvind Singhal (2010) —- .

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