Effects of Taru, a Radio Soap Opera, on Audiences in India: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis. New York: Population Communications International —- Arvind Singhal, Kim Witte, Nithya Muthuswamy, Desiree Duff, P.N. Vasanti, Michael J. Papa, Lynn M. Harter, Devendra Sharma, Saumya Pant, Akhilesh Kumar Sharma, Tracy Worrell, Mumtaz Ahmed, Alok Shrivastav, Chetna Verma, Yogita Sharma, Nagesh Rao, Ketan Chitnis, and Ami Sengupta (2004) —- http://utminers.utep.edu/asinghal/technical%20reports/TARU-CONSOLIDATED-Report.pdf

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