Month: May 2021

Spanning Silos and Spurring Conversations: Positive Deviance for Reducing Infection Levels in Hospitals. —- Arvind Singhal, Keith McCandless, Prucia Buscell, & Curt Lindberg (2009) —-

Performance, 2(3): 78-83.

A Positive Deviance Approach to Reduce Girls’ Trafficking in Indonesia: Asset-Based Communicative Acts that Make a Difference. —- Lucia Dura and Arvind Singhal (2009) —-

Journal of Creative Communication, 4(1): 1-17.

India’s Information Revolution —- Arvind Singhal —-

“India’s Information Revolution” outlines the historical and social development of India’s mass media. It is a must-read communication handbook for any serious student or researcher of India or even communication and development studies. The authors’ organize and present benchmark information on the overall media development as well as specific media. In a sense, this book is the handbook of communication and development studies for the Indian Subcontinent.

From bullock carts to cyber marts —- Arvind Singhal —-

This book explores the recent social changes in Indian society, resulting from the applications of new communication technologies such as satellites, cable television and the Internet. Though far from becoming an information society, it shows how India is making remarkable progress in that direction through an informatization strategy: the process through which communication technologies are used for furthering socio-economic development.

Winner of the CHOICE 2002 Outstanding Academic Title Award

The children of africa AIDS confront —- Arvind Singhal, W. Stephen Howard —-’s_chilldren-30%25dis.pdf

The AIDS pandemic in Africa has hit children particularly hard leaving some 12 million without one or both parents and threatening the lives of millions more. Drawing from 2002 conference sponsored by the Institute for the African Child–“HIV/AIDS and the African Child: Health Challenges, Educational Possibilities”–Singhal and Howard present 15 papers by social scientists, communications and education …

Entertainment-education and social change: History, research, and practice —- Arvind Singhal, Michael Cody, Everett Rogers, & Miguel Sabido, Eds. —-

This resource book introduces readers to the E-E literature from historical, theoretical, and practical perspectives. Examples of successful E-E designs, theories, and applications make this a useful and practical volume to scholars, administrators, and practitioners in communication, public and behavioral health, social work, and other arenas concerned with strategies for changing people’s behaviors. The book appeals to readers throughout the world

Entertainment education: —- Arvind Singhal and Everett M. Rogers —-

Soap operas are the most popular genre in the world. This book shows how they can be used to promote worthy values in society. An excellent resource which outlines the methodology of combining radio and television dramatic story-telling entertainment with pro-social educational goals. Documents several successful campaigns carried out…

Winner of the Distinguished Scholarly Book Award, National Communication Association. 2000.

Combating AIDS —- Arvind Singhal —-

From Book News, Inc. Singhal (communication, Ohio U.) and Rogers (communication and journalism, U. of New Mexico) synthesize lessons learned about effective HIV/AIDS prevention programs around the world, emphasizing communication strategies. They also suggest directions for more effective programs to control the worldwide epidemic.

Winner of the Distinguished Scholarly Book Award, National Communication Association. 2004.

Organization for Social Change —- MICHAEL J PAPA, ARVIND SINGHAL, WENDY H PAPA —-

Conventionally, analysts of social change perceive organizational initiatives in binary terms: for instance, projects are seen as being either top-down or bottom-up; local culture is seen as being either modern or traditional. Challenging this restrictive dualistic sentiment, this important book argues that social change emerges in a nonlinear, circuitous and dialectic process of struggle between competing poles of action.

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