Month: May 2021

Trust is the Lubricant of Organizational Life: Lessons from the Life and Career of Henri Lipmanowicz. Deep Learning, Volume 1(1), pp. 1-22. Complexity-in-Action Series. Allentown, NJ: Plexus Institute —- Arvind Singhal (2006) —-

The Practice of Medicine Lies in the Interactions: A Day with Robert A. Lindberg, M.D. Deep Learning, Volume 1(2), pp. 1-20. Complexity-in-Action Series. Allentown, NJ: Plexus Institute —- Arvind Singhal (2007) —-

Which Nursing Home Would You Put Your Mother In?” A Conversation with Complexity Scholars Reuben McDaniel, Jr. and Ruth Anderson. Deep Learning, Volume 1(3), pp. 1-21. Complexity-in-Action Series. Allentown, NJ: Plexus Institute —- Arvind Singhal (2007) —-

Do What you Can, With What you Have, Where you Are”: A Quest to Eliminate MRSA at the Veterans Health Administration’s hospitals in Pittsburgh. Deep Learning, Volume 1(4), pp. 1-14. Complexity-in-Action Series. Allentown, NJ: Plexus Institute —- Arvind Singhal and Karen Greiner (2007) —-

From Invisible to Visible: Learning to See and Stop MRSA at Billings Clinic. Billings, Montana: Billings Clinic; Bordentown, NJ: Plexus Institute —- Arvind Singhal and Prucia Buscell (2009) —-

Riding High on Taru Fever Entertainment-Education Broadcasts, Ground Mobilization, and Service Delivery in Rural India1 —- Arvind Singhal 2010 —-

Listening and Healing: An Assessment of Minga Peru’s Intercultural Radio Educative Project to Prevent and Control Domestic Violence and HIV/AIDS —- Arvind Singhal and Lucia Dura (2008) —-

Pencils and Photos as Tools of Communicative Research and Praxis: Analyzing Minga Peru’s Quest for Social Justice in the Amazon —- Arvind Singhal and Elizabeth Rattine-Flaherty (2008) —-

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