Month: May 2021

A Positive Deviance Inquiry on Effective Communicative Practices of Rural Indian Women Entrepreneurs. Journal of Development Communication. 30(1): 10-22 —- Pallavi Jain, Anu Sachdev, Arvind Singhal, Peer J. Svenkerud, & Sakshi Agrawal (2019) —-

Using Television Drama as Entertainment-Education to Tackle Domestic Violence in China. Journal of Development Communication. 30(1): 30-44 —- Zhiying Yue, Hua Wang, & Arvind Singhal (2019) —-

Aligning the stars in East Los High: How authentic characters and storylines can translate into real-life changes through transmedia edutainment. SEARCH Journal of Media and Communication Research, 11(3), 1-22. Available at —- Hua Wang, H., Singhal, A., Quist, C., Sachdev, A., & Liu, S. (2019) —-

Deconstruction of central line insertion guidelines based on the positive deviance approach—Reducing gaps between guidelines and implementation: A qualitative ethnographic research. PLoS ONE 14 (9) e0222608. pone.0222608 —- Ricky Cohen, Anat Gesser-Edelsburg, Arvind Singhal, Shmuel Benenson, & Allon E. Moses (2019) —-

Liberating Structures as Pedagogical Innovation for Inclusive Learning: A Pilot Study in a Norwegian University. Journal of Creative Communication, 15(2), 1-18 —- Arvind Singhal, Lauren E. Perez, Kristin Stevik, Erik Mønness, & Peer J. Svenkerud (2020) —-–Journal%20of%20Creative%20Comm.pdf?dl=0

“Picking our Oysters” and “Swimming with our Whales:”How innovative tourism practices may engender sustainable development. SEARCH Journal of Media and Communication Research, 12(1)), 1-26 —- Eva Duedahl and Arvind Singhal (2020) —-

Raging pandemics and taming epidemics: The role of behavior change communication in India’s polio eradication. Journal of Development Communication, 31(1), 1-10 —- Singhal, A. (2020) —-

New directions for diffusion of innovations research: Dissemination, implementation, and positive deviance. Human Behavior & Emerging Technology. 2020;1–7. —- Dearing, J.W., & Singhal, A. (2020) —-

What distinguishes positive deviance (PD) health professionals from their peers and what impact does a PD intervention have on behaviour change: A cross-sectional study of infection control and prevention in three Israeli hospitals. Epidemiology and Infection, 1-31. doi:10.1017/S0950268820002484 —- Cohen, R., Gesser-Edelsburg, A., Singhal, A., Benenson, S., & Moses, A. (2020) —-

The power of narrative persuasion: How an entertainment-education serial drama tackled open defecation and promoted contraceptive use in India. Journal of Development Communication, 31(2), 1-13 —- Wang, H., Singhal, A., and others (2020) —-

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