Month: May 2021

Adaptive Macro and Micro Communication Strategies to Eradicate Polio in India: Social Mobilization, Opinion Leadership, and Interpersonal Influence at Unprecedented Scale. International Journal of Communication and Social Research,1(1):1-14 —- Arvind Singhal (2013) —-’s%20Polio%20Communication%20Story-2013-IJCSR_CUK_vol-I_no-1.pdf

Positive Deviance: Uncovering Innovations that are Invisible in Plain Sight. Kappan, 95(3): 28-33 —- Arvind Singhal (2013) —-

Entertainment-Education for Sustainable Lifestyles: Storytelling for the Greater, Greener Good. International Journal of Sustainable Development, 17(2): 176-191 —- Julia-Lena Reinermann, Sarah Lubjuhn, Arvind Singhal, & Martine Bouman (2014) —-

What Counts? For Whom? Cultural Beacons and Unexpected Areas of Programmatic Impact. Evaluation and Program Planning, 44: 98-109 —- Lucia Dura, Laurel Felt, & Arvind Singhal (2014) —-,%20Felt,%20Singhal%20-%20FINAL%20Published%20Cultural%20Beacons%20JEPP.pdf

Mahatma is the Message: Gandhi’s Life as Consummate Communicator. International Journal of Communication and Social Research, 2(1): 1-16 —- Arvind Singhal (2014) —-

Transformer l’education de l’interieur. Developper l’apprentissage et la memorization par la deviance positive Savoirs, 37: 99-121 —- Arvind Singhal (2015) —-’education..par%20la%20deviance%20positive%20FRENCH.pdf

Amplification of tacit knowledge through the positive deviance approach. In S. Moffett and B. Galbraith (Eds), Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Knowledge Management (pp. 841-847). Belfast, Northern Ireland: Ulster University —- Victoria K. Slettli, & Arvind Singhal (2016) —-

Contributions of Everett M. Rogers to development communication and social change. Journal of Development Communication, 27(1): 57-68 —- Arvind Singhal (2016) —-

East Los High: Transmedia Edutainment to Promote the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Young Latina/o Americans. American Journal of Public Health, 106(6): 1002-1010 —- Wang & Arvind Singhal (2016) —-

Creative Content and Inclusive Classrooms to Transform Student Learning: Liberating Structures for Mathematics Educators. Journal of Mathematics Education, 9(2): 132-140 —- Arvind Singhal (2016) —-

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